Willem Jeths' Recorder Concerto featuring the recorder soloist Erik Bosgraaf was showcased on November 2nd and 3rd at Sint-Joriskerk and Het Concertgebouw, with De Philharmonie orchestra conducted by Stijn Berkouwer.
Peter Schlamilch has written a review on De Nieuwe Muze for this event.
A wonderful beginning, a bit like Bach does in the first four bars of the Hohe Messe , which always reminds me of Zadkine's desperate image: De verwoeste stad . Bosgraaf dramatically raises his head to heaven, as if he is calling on higher powers to support him in this difficult work. (Peter Schlamilch, De Nieuwe Muze, November 7th, 2024.)

The Recorder Concerto, composed specifically for Erik Bosgraaf in 2014, holds great personal significance for Willem Jeths and carries a profound emotional weight.
Willem connects the recorder with notions of innocence and beauty. He sees a parallel between the delicate recorder and the powerful orchestra, reflecting his experiences as a young child navigating a harsh world, feeling misunderstood by his father. The significance of memory in the composition is subtly conveyed through the selection of the instrument for the solo section. ¹
[...] the score is clearly and unambiguously notated, without all those unnecessary (and mostly inaudible) modernities such as endless changes of time signature and strange playing styles for the instruments. Of course, Crystal Glasses, Watergongs and a Vibraslap are not something you see every day in, say, a Mahler score, but otherwise the orchestral line-up is 'modest', as are the dynamics: apart from a few strong explosions, the soundscape is subtle and refined, with Jeths managing to conjure up countless colours from his compositional palette. (Peter Schlamilch, De Nieuwe Muze, November 7th, 2024.)
The full review (in Dutch) is available on De Nieuwe Muze official website:

Nearly a decade ago, Erik Bosgraaf premiered the piece in the same concert hall where the NTR Zaterdag Matinee program documented the preparations and rehearsals with Willem Jeths. You can watch the full recording here:
Bosgraaf, E. (2019, October 16). Willem Jeths recorder concerto. Borletti-Buitoni Trust. https://www.bbtrust.com/blog/2014/10/01/willem-jeths-recorder-concerto/