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Ode to Italy and a large choir: Review on Opera Magazine

Writer's picture: Willem JethsWillem Jeths

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

Final Rehearsal of Viaggio Italiano at Het Concertgebouw

In a recent article in Opera Magazine, Monique ten Boske reviewed the Groot Omroepkoor concert conducted by Benjamin Goodson, titled "Jeths, Italië, Rossini en de dood." The concert featured the premiere of Willem Jeths's new work, Viaggio Italiano, as well as Rossini's Petite messe solennelle.

Oboe and piano sweetly sketch an intro after which the choir begins, very intimate and soft, the atmosphere is set, you imagine yourself in a very heavenly place. [...] Jeths wrote a beautiful atmospheric piece, very fine choir music that evokes images and moods. (Monique ten Boske, Opera Magazine, May 1st, 2024.)
Book cover of "Voyage en Italie" by Willem Carel Dierkens.

The piece is based on a selection of poems and texts collected by Kees Vlaardingenbroek. The seventh movement of the piece, 'Tibi soli', is written based on a poem by Willem Carel Dierkens. The concept of the piece was mainly inspired by his book, "Voyage en Italie.

The complete article can be found in "Opera Magazine".

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